Frequently asked questions

Does CCS provide their own products and equipment?

Yes, CCS provides all cleaning supplies and equipment. Our teams come equipped with clean products and supplies every time that are sterilized and deep cleaned every day.

Can CCS use my cleaning supplies / equipment?

Absolutely! If you have specific needs or equipment, you would like us to use, we are happy to accommodate!

Will the same team come to my home every clean?

Our goal is to ensure familiar faces at your home every time. Scheduling changes do happen but we do our best to ensure you are recognizing the smiling faces of the CCS team every time!

Why do I need an in-home estimate before getting started?

During your in-home estimate owner, Jacquie Heitmeyer, will tour your home and discuss the specifics of your cleaning needs. This time will allow each client to customize their clean and provide CCS an appropriate estimate of the cleaning duration, frequency and pricing. After your estimate you will know the services that CCS can provide in your home and the estimated price.

What happens if I move?

CCS will tour your new home to provide an updated estimate the cleaning instructions!

What is the cleaning frequency?

Each cleaning frequency is individual to the clients needs. We recommend regular cleaning of at least once a month. Most clients are every 2 weeks. The longer between cleans does create variables in the estimated pricing due to more time for dirt and debris to collect. This will all be discussed during your estimate.

Do the teams wear masks while in my home?

Upon request, our teams can wear masks inside your home.